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Azure test environments

There are 3 test environments:

naam omschrijving Primaire subscriptie, gebruikt voor (semi) productie diensten zoals assessments subscriptie voor demo resources, resources in deze subscriptie blijven langere tijd actief subscriptie voor poc en test doeleinden, resources in deze subscriptie worden na succesvolle test verwijderd

Standard policies and restrictions apply to all subscriptions, a standard account receives a resource group with owner permissions in each subscription.

Connect to guests Wifi

To connect to guest WiFi, the QR code below can be scanned, this QR code is also physically available at every location.

Wifi QR code

Connect to the internal WiFi

To connect to the internal WiFi network you must have a username and password:

!!! "SSID" information Wifi_2

Login with your details:

username Password

Accept the certificate with the name:

This is only necessary the 1st time.